Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer Phoenix

Remember experience, tenacity, attitude, trial skills and innovation count most when selecting a seasoned trial attorney to defend your freedoms. So, whether it is you, someone in your family or your group of co-workers and/or personal friends who is facing criminal charges in the state of Arizona, you need a reputable and experienced criminal defense trial lawyer. At Gaxiola & Associates, PLLC, these criminal defense trial attorneys have spent countless years successfully defending countless clients across the state of Arizona from counties such as Greenlee to Navajo and just about every county in between.

By meticulously scrutinizing every aspect of the case, every piece of evidence and witness lodged against you, searching for police mistakes and constitutional violations of your rights, conducting strong focused legal research in preparation of motion practice and oral arguments/evidentiary hearings, these trial lawyers aggressively fight for your freedoms.

Whether it is criminal charges involving homicide, aggravated assault, weapon charges, gang allegations, dangerous crimes, sex crimes, theft, fraud, armed robbery, domestic violence or any other felony and/or misdemeanor case anywhere in Arizona, these Phoenix criminal defense trial lawyers should be selected first. Their reputation, experience and trial knowledge speaks for itself.

These trial lawyers strongly believe in the presumption of innocence and never forget their ultimate goal, to protect your constitutional rights and freedoms.

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